Have you ever wondered what would happen if one of your youth fell and broke their arm during a church-sponsored event? Whether it happens on an away trip, or right in your church gym, these accidents can be a potential liability for your church and a serious worry for parents and leaders alike.
Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent an accident from every happening. They’re called accidents for a reason! That’s why it’s so necessary to have Georgia church liability insurance. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of an accident occurring during a church-sponsored youth event.
Making a checklist beforehand is a great way to prepare for any eventuality. Below are our recommendations for reducing the risk of accidents and handling emergencies if they should occur.
- Every activity should be approved by a pre-selected group of people in the church. This ensures accountability.
- Have parents fill out an “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) card. These should include emergency contact information as well as any information on the child’s allergies, medical conditions, or necessary medications.
- Require leaders and volunteers to complete an application process before they can serve on trips and special activities including background checks. This is a great precaution to take with your regular children’s workers, as well.
- Make sure all leaders and volunteers are fully trained on the basics of safe transportation.
- If using a church bus, make sure you have Georgia church bus insurance.
- Require a certain ratio of adults to youth for all events and special trips.
- Require leaders to carry their cell phones with them at all times.
- Assess any potential risks for every activity and discuss the possible hazards and how to handle them with any leaders and volunteers.
- Make sure parents have a written itinerary of your trip or activity, and make sure you stick to the schedule.
- Keep a list of parent’s contact information, and update it regularly.
- Ensure you have Georgia church liability insurance.
- Depending on the nature of the trip or activity, it may be wise to use the buddy system to keep kids organized.
- Make sure your leaders are making a habit of counting the kids regularly to ensure that everyone is present.
- Have your leaders and volunteers trained in first aid and CPR.
While injuries and accidents can’t always be prevented, there are plenty of precautions you can take to avoid them without compromising the fun of the activity. From practical precautions like having Georgia church bus insurance to planning out your trip in detail, these steps can save you a lot of hassle.
Let your kids have fun, and let your parents relax!