Have you really realized just how expensive it is to buy and own a car? First, you will have to pay the expense of buying the vehicle. Then, you will have to pay the upkeep on the car. You will even have to spend a great deal of money just on fuel. Do you really need another added expense? Many people wonder why they even need auto insurance in GA. They are most likely thinking that they will never have to worry about it because they feel they are a safe driver so they will not cause any wrecks. However, even if you manage to go your whole life without being responsible for a single accident, someone else could hit you and they may not have insurance themselves. This is not the only reason that you need Georgia auto insurance. Actually, there is another very good reason.
Quite simply, you need auto insurance in GA because it is the law. If you own a vehicle, you have to have a certain amount of coverage for your vehicle. You do not necessarily have the type of full coverage called comprehensive. However, you must have the type of coverage that will protect others should you be in an auto accident that you caused. This type of coverage would be called liability. This would be the main reason that you must have auto insurance in GA. If you do not have the coverage, then you are breaking the law and you could be facing some very stiff fines. If you are in an auto accident and you do not have liability, then you could be facing very high expenses and possibly even a lawsuit.
Before you think that auto insurance in GA is just an extra expense that you just do not need, think again. You must have a certain amount of coverage to be within the law.