When you buy a home, you will have a great number of expenses. Suddenly, you have a mortgage that will have to be a part of your monthly budget for many years. In addition, just moving can be an extremely high expense. The last thing you will want to do is add in even more expenses that you may not be able to afford. You may be thinking that you do not really need homeowner’s insurance in Georgia. After all, that is an expense added to the top of everything else that you owe. Do you really need the coverage? The answer is below.
In short, the answer is absolutely yes. Of course, before you make that expenditure, you are most likely wanting more than just the short answer. To help you better understand, here is the long answer as well.
To start with, there is a very good chance that you are required to have the policy. It is a good idea to check with your mortgage company. Many people do not realize this, but it is the regular policy of mortgage companies to require that any borrowers have at least a minimum Georgia homeowner’s insurance policy. Before you get yourself in trouble for not having coverage, check with your mortgage company.
Next, you need to think about your home itself. While you may be thinking that homeowner’s insurance in Georgia will be too expensive, you need to think about what would happen if your home gets damaged and you do not have coverage. If your home were to get flooded or the roof were to get damaged by high winds, just imagine how expensive that would be. It would be much more expensive compared to that monthly insurance coverage.
Do you really need homeowner’s insurance in Georgia? Yes, you definitely do as you can see from the information above.